Tuesday, 12 August 2014


Our relationship with God is usually so confusing. Why do i say so? At least everyone desires to go to heaven that’s the first thing. Everyone is also conscious he or she has to be righteous so as to enter heaven. Though no one has actually seen heaven, you just believe there are two places after death-Heaven or Hell and there are two guys, God or Satan.
No one obviously will like to go to hell, the mythical place for suffering where all banished would gnash their teeth in pain and sorrow. Consequently there is fear in the minds of the humans. There is fear to go to hell, as such, most pray. PRAYERS! What is it you pray for? Is it for salvation and redemption, gratefulness, the fear of the Lord, or for wealth? Nevertheless, none of these are useless. But why do you pray. Are you afraid to go to hell, or you just love your creator and will like to have a better entente with Him?
There are times we are faced with difficult situations that we admit that God is the only solution. We begin praying. We fast, we pray, we fast, we pray. You never forget to do your morning and evening prayers. Bravo. That’s a nice move; you’ve just admitted God is the Supreme Being because you didn’t go to some native doctor or funny occult group. But once your wish is granted, you gradually fall out your praying routine. You’ll start by telling yourself you shouldn’t fall in that temptation of no longer praying, and then later you start by postponing prayer sessions. ERROR: Do not postpone, YOU WILL EVENTUALLY FORGET. There are so many activities and temptations in this our contemporary world that only the solid prayerful hearts could resist them and pray when they like. In the end, you get to realise you don’t even think of prayers, talking less of even postponing it- it’s no longer in your agenda.
We shouldn’t pray only when things go wrong, we should “Pray without ceasing.” —1st Thessalonians 5:17. Besides believers often forget to give thanks and praise to the Lord, to recognize he is good and good He always is. He too should be glad to hear from his children, to hear his children telling Him, ‘thank you Oh Lord for with you, I am happy and safe’. But nay, most believers are full of storming problems they throw to God, as if they are never satisfied, as if they fail to realize that God knows what is best for them or God has never handled any of their problems, worst still as if they are the only ones with problems. Am not saying one shouldn’t insist in his or her requests when praying, but people mostly insist in their prayers for particular things just because they want to feel God has heard them, but they don’t believe. They don’t believe and trust God’s choices. We should learn to ask less from God but praise him more, for with that He will always be aware He has children who recognize His greatness and goodness. Who knows, from there I bet there may be no need to ask, for he will always provide, like a father who is happy with his child’s behavior  and always providing for the child’s need because he knows his child’s likes.
There’s this old saying ‘If you are too busy to pray, then you are too busy’. This is trying to show how important prayers are suppose to be in our lives. Nothing is supposed to make you so busy that, ‘you are too busy to pray’
What do you think is the best you could offer to a friend? PRAYERS of course.
*      Where can you best ask for Help?
*      Where can you best have a guide to the right path?
*      Where can you best chat with God your creator?
*      How can you best find love?
*      Where can you best EVERYTHING?
Prayers prayers prayers…that is the key.
Prayer is so important, but yet we can forget to pray. What is wrong with praying just once a day? Even if it’s just to recite the ‘Our Father’. For most youths, prayer is one of the last things in their programs, with all the night clubs and fancy areas, things to visit and do.
My mum usually tells me ‘Life’s not a race’ and I say ‘your salvation is your war’ fight for it, it is not easy, yet the instructions are there (10 commandments) so easy and simple to at least respect 8. Is it difficult? We just need to try.
So, 'Don't forget to pray today because God did not forget to wake you up this morning.' - Oswald Chambers.

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