Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Importance of Video Games

The population at the time took some time before finally accepting the importance and originality of the social media. Social media today is an important tool in our lives today. This surely because of the range it could cover, its efficiency and certain degree of privacy. This to me is cool.

Now Video games!!!!
Some parents these days wouldn’t like to get or listen their kids talking about video games, just because they think it is time consuming, and a waste of that time. Others argue that video games serve as an anti-social forum where the player's incapacity to interact with the real world is dissimulated as he or she becomes an 'all day gamer'. The notion of time consuming and waste of time by parents should be blamed on the gamer. Some have almost lost focus, some don’t go to school, and can’t do assignments; in fact the degree of consciousness has dropped. But this doesn’t mean a parent should prevent the child from playing video games. Parents should understand every nice thing has its negative aspects, even education. YES. Would you like to see your child only reading his or her book, at every opportunity he or she has, never playing outside with friends, at a certain level not having any boyfriend or girlfriend (hehehe, not necessarily)? Good! so everything is about regulating right. So parents should just regulate their kids when it concerns playing games, not necessarily banning them from playing. They could schedule playing time for their kids and even assist these kids while they play, this even brings the family together and creates a feeling of Love.

See how mum and dad assist their kids while they play, doesn't it look beautiful and 'family like'

As a matter of fact, video games are educative. Yes! There is no game a child will play and wouldn't learn anything from there. Games usually have the tendency of making the player think, making the player try to solve certain enigmas or puzzles before getting to a next stage or level of the game. With such challenging situation, and the player wanting to deal with it, even when not playing, is constantly thinking of ways to solve that particular problem he faced while playing. That, to me is the sense of competition and the zeal to achieve that video games provide for their users.

 Besides its obvious nature of entertaining, video games never serve as a means to isolate anybody. It's obvious as most players do challenge amongst themselves and I bet, you can’t imagine the number of friendships video games have made.
Within the playing process much can be known about yourself or somebody. I for one got to understand the type of person I could be. If I found myself in a situation where, first I feel is desperate, second am tired of losing, I get pissed off and head straight to do whatever thing I feel as doing, hoping for some miracle, even if I must die...(seriously?...I mean death in the game). That is almost like giving up. This reflected me in real life situations where anything i found stressful or annoying, either I let go, or I just do anything foolish (mostly) hoping for a miracle. In fact I could easily get distracted or discouraged in things I did. But now, I also hate to be themed a 'looser', so each time I played any competitive or challenging game, I realized being desperate and heading for anything, which probably is your doom-death, was not helpful. I began developing a sense of composure even at rough situations, trying to anticipate, trying to understand why my 'this' didn't work and why his 'that' worked. Presently, I hardly get swayed by difficult moments or situations. I always do my best to understand certain problems I face.
Well, it was just a way I felt video games could affect once personality. One could learn a lot from video games, and while playing video games, you get to know how to reason and react in real time situations. Besides, games are evolving and becoming more and more realistic, and they certainly reflect certain aspects of our contemporary world.

Some people claim that Video games are a childish affair and are meant only for children and retarded minds. Really? It can never be that way; there are some games kids can't play, because there's a lot of reasoning in it and at times obscene content. Nevertheless, some old people still or do play video games (certain types, an old man shouldn't be playing 'God of War' he may have a shock).

See how these friends enjoy themselves in this entertaining yet competitive phase of gaming!!
oooooh! aren't they sexy?
I believe it is advisable, because it could also be an exercise for his or her mind and could prevent the usual tendency of forgetfulness from aged people.

With the opportunity to now play online, more aspects of the social media can be noticed in gaming. It is not only communication in a wider range but also, gaming in a wider range. Is this not amazing? You could sit home and play ‘Fifa 14’ with a Japanese guy (I like these guys). You will have to learn how to interact, get to if possible, know how to say good morning in Japanese language (Cultural affiliation). All these to me and more, is my 'All Powerful Effects of Video games'. The best proof is when one realizes how companies turn to see the range of gamers in the world. As such they believe, having their ads in games is one of the best emerging way of publicity. (This is another long issue to talk about-Advergaming). So is this new emerging and amazing world supposed to be deprived from children? Parents will best know, after all they are ‘Parents' and more experienced. But, 'everyONE must KNOW' games are not useless, just manage your life well and get decent playing time.

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