Monday, 4 May 2015


Friendship; whenever you get the word ‘friend’, what comes first to your mind? Is it Loyalty, love, sacrifice, fun and all other virtues history, movies, books, dictionaries have associated friendship with?                 

Can there really be true and platonic friendship between a boy and a girl even at the level of the mind?


Do you think of it as something you could share with the opposite sex? OR is it impossible?
Have you ever dared the devil? – do you have an ‘opposite sex’ friend? Can you spend a night(s) with him/her in a room, on a bed without doing or thinking of doing anything silly?
Can there really be true and platonic friendship between a boy and a girl even at the level of the mind? 

Having a platonic relationship with the opposite sex seems almost impossible nowadays. Most ‘friendliness’ which exist between boys and girls nowadays result from an earlier attempt by the boy to either date or involve in some sexual relationship with the girl and this causes some kind of occasional tension within the so called ‘friendship’. From my personal observations, a boy will wait for the slightest opportunity to lay with a girl he calls his friend. He may maintain a friendly relationship with a girl as long as that is the closest means he thinks could ride her to his bed (‘some day she would be hurt by somebody-maybe her boyfriend, and will need my comfort, and I will just be the best man ever. Who knows where it might lead us to?’). This, because most men have concluded women are emotionally weak and thus a gateway to utilize them when opportunity presents itself (so why not be a patient dog and just be a good friend-for now)?
Men have developed a ‘sex-opportunist’ mind set with thoughts like ‘I might never get this chance again’, ‘she must really be excited’, or ‘this will be the last time we do this’. They believe they must take advantage of every given sexual opportunity because it might be the last to present itself despite the fact the person is their so called friend.

Girls value a lot the ‘friendly’ and platonic aspect of being a ‘friend’. Their thoughts never or on rare occasions exceed to erotic ones. Despite the ‘social shield’ they seem to always ‘wear’ against boys, girls don’t mind having a true and good ‘male friend’ to whom they could confine their secrets, love stories etc. They will hardly have obscene thoughts towards their male friends. While a girl expects her ‘male friend’ to be the person she could confine her little secrets to, make her laugh when she is sad or emotionally down and thinks she will never laugh again, always ready to help each other, cook his favorite meal at times, do assignments together, watch movies etc.,  most boys see things differently(‘the least opportunity, I will have her on my bed, but first I must gain her trust’). I bet you by the time you invite your so-called ‘male friend’ home, he should have started wondering if there can be some chance of a kiss.
Girls find it easier discussing about their partners (boyfriends) with their male friends than the way boys are willing to discuss about their partners. Even on social network, one will occasionally notice girls posting the pictures of their boyfriend, fiancé, or husband but boys can’t take such ‘risks’ easily - why kill the chances of having more girls (well, I talk of some boys, not you obviously).
Most boys get things all wrong. In fact even the girls.
Boys often get confused between a girl’s kind actions towards them for attraction or demonstration of some feelings (love). Consequently a boy may develop feelings or attractions towards the ‘female friend’. The Girl on the contrary may not share such attraction for the ‘male friend’ and she might blindly assume this lack of attraction is mutual.
Have you ever observed the guy who smokes? As he lights the paper and starts smoking, he seems to enjoy every bit of it but yet he never can smoke the stick till its very end and throws it away. That’s the same thing which might happen if you ever ‘commit’ with your friend. You will seem to enjoy every inch of pleasure but the end is you will never be able to finish what you started. You will probably not end in a relationship or even as friends anymore.
If you ever have sex with your ‘friend’ from the opposite sex, you might do the following;
-              Continue doing the ‘friendly-sex’ each time you are in some isolated space till it becomes too late.
-              Pretend as if nothing happened.
-              Take immediate drastic measures so it never happens again (often taken by the female).
-               Fall in love.
-               Stop talking to each other temporarily or forever.
-               Isolation (especially on the girl’s side)
From what I’ve witnessed, no matter what, be sure it will still happen at least one more time for most cases. If anyone is to develop remorse after the act, it will be the girl, asking herself questions like ‘why did I let it happen?’, ‘was this right’, ‘has he just taken advantage of me?’ while the guys almost have no questions troubling them(except for this question – ‘when next again’).
If a consequence to the act is love coming in the relationship, good for you both but things get messy if the feeling of love is not mutual. Women will often suffer here because sex is much more of a symbolic issue to them than the way it is for men. Consequently, that former friendship is at stake. Girls often mount such situations on their minds-consequently they feel isolated.

Girls often mount such situations on their minds-consequently they feel isolated

I advise you never find yourself in some isolated space again, even if you think you should meet so you sort things out. You never know if you will resist what made you do it the first time. You might end up doing another ‘friendly encounter’.
New research suggests that there may be some truth to this possibility—that we may think we’re capable of being “just friends” with members of the opposite sex, but the opportunity (or perceived opportunity) for “romance” is often lurking just around the corner, waiting to pounce at the most inopportune moment.

Are you a boy reading this? If you ever think of dating a girl, or even doing that ‘thing’ with her (you understand what I mean by ‘thing’ right?), never start with friendship. When a lady puts you in her ‘friend zone’, you will just be getting three new possible ‘past time’ jobs; trying to make her forget you are close friends, trying to make her see you love, or desire her sexually…or listen to all her past, present, future romantic affairs with other guys (certainly not you).
So lighten up, decide before you approach.
‘Friending’ the opposite sex can be fun. You might get to share more than what you share with your ‘same sex’ friends or even…your ‘lover’.

It shouldn't be all about 'how can kissing him/her feel like' and the host of perversed questions and thoughts a boy or girl could nurse for the so-called friend. It can exist; friendship between a boy and a girl. Two people who will always be there for each other, without extra thoughts, but just filial love.

All what I say on this post does not reflect every friendly relationship between a boy and a girl or man and woman. Some friends are really friends who will never develop such affection for their ‘friends’ and yet, value the friendship. You could still be aware of the affection one carries for the other, it’s just how you manage and avoid certain situations. Despite everything, you should have a ‘God fearing’ mindset. Get the Importance of Prayers and pray to avoid temptations. (Please read my previous post ‘Why is it Difficult to Pray’).

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