Friday, 25 July 2014

Leave The LAZY in PEACE

'You are such a Lazy couldn't do this in time...' and bla bla bla. Why did you first assign a task to someone you did not know how much interested he or she was to do that task. Why should I ever do what I don’t like doing in this WORLD? There are so many interesting things to do nowadays that there is no room for the Lazy. See this guy who goes to school and parents makes him to study Geography. He loves to draw, he likes playing video games, he loves to dance. In school he is a mess, never excelling and parents always annoyed by that. He is never ready to do any kind of manual work, he is always sleeping, and when he wakes, he is always ready to launch some gaming session, or draw something creative. Our dear parents come and tear the paper he drew on or scatters a game controller.
Why not leave the guy to express his talents in whatever field he designs for himself. Must everyone do what everyone thinks is the responsible-accepted job, like being a doctor. People always feel enthusiastic doing what they like to do. Are parents aware of this, especially African Parents?
I think I should write more on the Neglected arts and who is actually the real lazy person.
I was just trying to Post something, was excited to do so.

About ME

yeah this'z ME. dont mind my Eyes. am not Blind.

Loves gaming, enjoys new dance moves, likes everything social, anything high tech. Hates to feel inferior (everyone does), hardly interested in politics, never interested in things I deem BOOORING. As I may put it i like to be a busy person, doing things i love doing, and as i always say it, 'No one is ever a lazy person, just find what you enjoy doing and invest on it'. Reason, each time you start doing something you don’t really have passion for, you end up not doing it well or even completing it, but whence it’s what you like, the enthusiasm to make a step further is always present. I say so because i always blamed myself of being a Lazy creature, whereas am not. Anyway i hope SO. Let’s see how much i Blog for a start. Forgotten other details about ME. Will do the UPDATE.